Many voices had strengthened and enriched the nationalist movement during the Gandhian phase

QUES . Many voices had strengthened and enriched the nationalist movement during the Gandhian phase. Elaborate. UPSC 2019 GS MAINS PAPER 1. 250 words. 15 Marks


The final phase of nationalist movement (1917-1947) is known as Gandhian phase in India’s nationalist struggle. This phase had provided many leaders with diverging opinions and organizations which provided strong foundation for the nationalist movement.

Contribution of revolutionary voices

• Formation of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, by Ramprasad Bismil, Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee and Sachin Sanyal in 1928.

• Saunders murder by Bhagat Singh, Azad and Rajguru (1927)

• Chittagong armory raid by Surya Sen(1930)

Contribution of different leaders

▪ The First Civil Disobedience Movement(1917), was the result of request of Rajkumar Shukla to look into the problems of the farmers in context of indigo planters of Champaran in Bihar; Gandhi here got support from other leaders like Rajendra Prasad, Mazharul-Haq, Mahadeo Desai, Narhari Parekh, and J.B. Kripalani.

▪ The Workers of Ahmedabad Mill first turned to Anasuya Sarabhai, for help in fighting Justice. She then requested Gandhi to intervene and help resolve the issues, that eventually caused the first hunger strike

▪ The political leadership to the Kheda Satyagraha-First Non-Cooperation was also provided by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and a group of other devoted Gandhians, namely, Narahari Parikh, Mohanlal Pandya and Ravi Shankar Vyas, who went around the villages, organised the villagers and telling them what to do.

▪ Gandhi giving up the title of Kaiser-i-Hind, in reaction to Jallianwala Bagh Massacre(1919), was complimented by Rabindranath Tagore’s renouncing of Knighthood.

▪ The ground for country-wide agitation was prepared by Gandhi uniting hindus and muslims, with the Khilafat Committee under the leadership of the Ali Brothers(Shaukat Ali and Muhammad Ali), Maulana Azad, Ajmal Khan and Hasrat Mohani, to force the British government to change its attitude towards Turkey.

▪ The Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party under the leadership of CR Das and Motilal Nehru, filled up the political vacuum, at a time when Gandhi had called off non-cooperation movement because of Chauri Chaura incident(1922).

▪ A new wave of energy set in during third decade of 20th Century, with the spread of Marxist and socialist ideas, which resulted in left wing within Congress, represented by Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose. This activated the Indian youths, caused peasant agitations and led to growth of trade unionism in direction of national struggle.

▪ As an answer to Lord Birkenhead’s challenge, India’s first major attempt at drafting a Constitution was led by Motilal Nehru

▪ Gandhi picking up Salt theme for Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930, was enriched when:

C. Rajagopalachari organised a march from Thiruchirapali to Vedaranniyam on the Tanjore (or Thanjavur) coast to break the salt law and K. Kelappan, a Nair Congress leader famed for the Vaikom Satyagraha, organised salt marches.

▪ It was with the efforts of BR Ambedkar, that the idea of separate electorates for the depressed classes were abandoned and seats reserved for the depressed classes were increased; This move prevented the attack on Indian unity by the British.

▪ The failure of August Offer in 1940, made Gandhi to take up to Individual Satyagraha, with Vinoba Bhave becoming the first to offer the satyagraha.

▪ In the time of repression by British, when call for Quit India was given in 1942, many nationalists went underground and took to subversive activities, among whom were Rammanohar Lohia, Jayaprakash Narayan, Aruna Asaf Ali and Usha Mehta.

▪ The progressive sharpening of the anti-imperialist struggle in India, was enhanced by Subhas Chandra Bose, with his show of Militant streak and his eagerness to supplement India from outside, with his participation in Indian National Army(1942), along with Mohan Singh and Rashbehari Bose.

▪ To accommodate the objections of Muslim League, C.Rajagopalachari ,Bhulabhai Desai and Liaqat Ali Khan came up with negotiation formula to ease India’s way for Independence.

Mahatma Gandhi’s undisputed lead to the national movement, with his principles of non-violence and satyagraha, were augmented/strengthened/aided by efforts of other nationalists.

Must read: Non-cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement – the strategic shifters

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