Why European trading companies attracted to India during the 16th-17th centuries?

QUES . Why were a number of European trading companies attracted to India during the 16th-17th centuries? UPSC IES/ISS EXAM 2016 General Studies. 200 Words. 5 Marks


The landing of Vasco da Gama at Calicut in 1498 led to opening of new phase in the commercial history.
The finding of direct sea route to India led to booming up of European trade with India which increased in volume later on.

Several factors were responsible for opening and development of European trade in India during the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries.

Demand for oriental luxury goods

The economic development of many regions of Europe was also progressing rapidly with expansion of land under cultivation, the introduction of an improved plough, scientific crop management such as crop rotation, and increased supply of meat (which called for spices for cooking as well as for preservation). Prosperity also grew, and with it the demand for oriental luxury goods also increased.

Huge profits offered by trade with India

The prospects of huge profits offered by trade with Asia in general and India in particular acted as further motivators in expansion of trade.

Competition among various European powers

Equally important in this context was the intense competition among various European powers to capture the trade of various Asian countries.

Favourable attitude towards European traders

The favourable and encouraging attitude towards European traders displayed by the Indian rulers was also an attractive factor. For example, the ruler Zamorin of Calicut favourably received Vasco-da Gama when he reached Calicut on his first voyage to India.

Moreover, the important ruling dynasties such as Bijapur and the Vijayanagar Kingdom also accorded favours on the Portuguese. Similarly, the Mughal Emperors accorded great honours and granted several concessions to the European companies.

Environment of political stability in India

Equally important factor for expansion of European trade with India was the environment of political stability provided with the establishment of the Mughal Empire in India in between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries. Further, the Mughal Emperors provided better law and order conditions.

Mughal Emperors showed favourable attitude towards commerce

The Mughal Emperors showed favourable attitude towards commerce. Moreover the Mughal rulers favourably treated the Indian merchants and at time saved those from the exaction of their nobles.

Well- developed trading network

India during this period had well- developed trading network both inside the country and outside. There were several rich merchant families owning ships and transporting merchandise. Moreover, the Commercial practices as Hindi system, the monetary system and the banking system too were all well developed. Many ports like Surat were in flourishing state.

India produced goods of special interest to Europeans

India, besides, also produced some goods of special interest to Europeans. This included Indigo produced at Bayana near Agra and in Bihar and saltpeter produced near Sarkhej in Gujarat.

Use of Mariner’s compass and the astrolabe made navigation easy


Critical role in the expansion of trade was played by certain path breaking instruments, notably the mariner’s compass and the astrolabe for navigation.

European Renaissance

The Renaissance signified intellectual stirring and above all a spirit of independent investigation rather than baring oneself either on the revealed world or on the wisdom enshrined in the Church. These developments led to rapid assimilation, dispersal and improvement of other inventions such as the gun powder, printing, telescope etc. Developments in the metallurgy led to production of better quality guns which were needed for sea voyage.

The expansion of European trade however was not so beneficial for India in the long run. As the centralized rule of the Mughals weakened, the European companies made no secret of their desire for political subjugation of India and gradually India passed under the shackles of British colonialism.

Must read: Why the English Succeeded against Other European Powers?

Externa link: https://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/20251/1/Unit-25.pdf

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