What is food security and the measures taken to ensure it?

Food security is a measure of the availability of food and individuals’ accessibility to it, where accessibility includes affordability. Based on the 1996 World Food Summit, food…

How poverty among employed, underscores the need for a new strategy on job creation?

In India, we often wonder why the hard-working employed population lives in poverty. This is more pronounced among daily wage labourers and those employed in the informal…

Inflation – Measures of Control

Inflation can be defined as state of abnormal decrease in the quantity of purchasing power. Causes of inflation https://fotisedu.com/causes-of-inflation/ Inflation – its effects https://fotisedu.com/inflation-its-effects/ Terminologies associated with…

Inflation – its effects

Inflation can be defined as too much of money chasing too few goods. Causes of inflation https://fotisedu.com/causes-of-inflation/ Inflation – Measures of control https://fotisedu.com/inflation-measures-of-control/ Terminologies associated with inflation…

Causes of Inflation

Inflation is a consistent and appreciable rise in the general price level. In other words, inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for…

Terminologies Associated with Inflation

What is inflation? A persistent increase in the general level of prices is known as inflation. If the price of one good has gone up, it is…

NEER and REER – Appreciation and Depreciation

What is Nominal Exchange Rate (NER)? The nominal exchange rate is the amount of domestic currency needed to purchase foreign currency. What is Nominal Effective Exchange Rate…

Raising capital for business – Equity vs Debt Financing

Companies mostly have two types of financing options when there is a question of raising capital for business needs : equity financing and debt financing. Usually companies…

Public debt of India – Significant Trends

What is Public debt? Public debt is the total liabilities of the central government contracted against the Consolidated Fund of India. As the name suggests, public debt…

Lending Instruments of IMF

Must read: Know About IMF What are the various lending instruments available with IMF? The IMF has several lending instruments to meet the different needs and specific…

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