Desert National Park , Jaisalmer

Desert National Park

The Desert National Park covers an area of 3162 km² of which 1900 km² is in Jaisalmer district and remaining 1262 km² is in Barmer district of Rajasthan State. The area falls in the extreme hot and arid region of very low rainfall zone (<100mm) of the country.

The Desert National Park is barren with several sand dunes and a few hills in the north-western region. The Park forms a vast sandy and undulating terrain.

Flora of Desert National Park

The vegetation of major part of the arid region of the Thar falls under thorn forest type . Khejri Prosopis cineraria is commonly found, which is revered and protected by the local communities specially the ‘Bishnois’. The vegetation of Desert National Park is quite sparse with open grassland, throny bushes, plantation and dunes as the broad habitat types. Plant modifications in desert areas

Patches of sewan grass and aak shrub (Calotropis) can be seen.

The biota of Thar has both mesic and desert elements owing to location of the Thar in the Saharo-Tharian Basin. 69% of herpetofauna and 54% of mammalian fauna represent the Sahraian affiliation.

Fauna of Desert National Park

The Chinkara or Indian Gazelle is a common antelope of this region. The national park’s other notable inhabitants are the desert fox, wolf and desert cat.

Demography of Desert National Park

The Thar desert is the most thickly populated desert in the world with an average density of 83 persons/km² (compared to 7km² of other deserts) . However, the human population within the Desert National Park is low (4-5 persons per km²).

There are 73 villages and also settlements or Dhanis existing within the Park. These communities have inhabited this area for hundreds of years and with their rich culture and tradition they are an integral part of this ecosystem.

Avian species (birds) of Desert National Park

Perhaps the greatest attraction of the park is a bird called the great Indian bustard, a critically endangered species found only in India. Desert National Park is one of the last sites in which this species can be found in good numbers.

Desert National Park

The region is a haven for migratory and resident birds of the desert. Many eagles, harriers, falcons, buzzards, kestrel and vultures are spotted here. Short-toed eagles, tawny eagles, spotted eagles, laggar falcons and kestrels are the most common among these. Sand grouse are spotted near small ponds or lakes.

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QUES . With reference to India’s Desert National Park, which of the following statements are correct? UPSC 2020

1 . It is spread over two districts.

2 . There is no human habitation inside the Park.

3 . It is one of the natural habitats of Great Indian Bustard.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 und 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 3 only

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