QUES . Use of Internet and social media by non-state actors for subversive activities is a major concern. How have these been misused in the recent past? Suggest effective guidelines to curb the above threat. UPSC 2016 GS MAINS PAPER III

The misuse of the Internet and social media by non-state actors for subversive activities is a major concern in today’s world. Over the years, these platforms have been misused in several ways, including:
The Internet and social media have been used to spread hate speech and extremist ideologies, leading to the radicalization of individuals. Example: The use of social media by the Resistance Front (TRF) in kashmir.
The anonymity provided by these platforms has been misused to harass, bully, and stalk individuals (Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying). Unethical hackers have hacked private accounts of famous personalities as well as common people to harass them.
Terrorist organizations have been known to use the Internet and social media to recruit individuals, particularly young people, into their ranks. Example: as done earlier by ISIS. Terrorists are using bitcoin and online-payment services to fund terrorist activities.
Non-state actors have used these platforms to spread disinformation and propaganda, with the aim of manipulating public opinion.
To curb the above threats, the following guidelines could be effective:
To set policy, strategies and priorities to aspects of cyber security, including appropriate frameworks of laws and statutes. In the age of increasing internet usage, an All India cyber security service must be created on the lines of Indian police service. Review of the IT Act is needed to make it stronger.
Governments could regulate social media platforms to ensure that they are not misused for subversive activities. This could include measures such as requiring platforms to remove content that promotes hate speech and extremism.
Law enforcement agencies could monitor social media platforms to gather intelligence on potential threats and track the activities of non-state actors. A real time responsive cyber cell with experts to track suspicious and vulnerable activities.
Governments could launch awareness campaigns to educate individuals on the risks of online radicalization and cyberbullying. This could help individuals to identify and report suspicious activities.
Governments could collaborate with social media platforms to identify and remove content that promotes hate speech and extremism. This could include sharing of data and information.
Governments could take steps to strengthen cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure and prevent cyber attacks by non-state actors. Review of the “entire IT infrastructure” of India and the need of the hour is “hardening” of the security wall.
The misuse of the Internet and social media by non-state actors for subversive activities is a major concern. Effective guidelines such as regulation of social media platforms, surveillance, and intelligence gathering, awareness campaigns, collaboration between governments and social media platforms, and strengthening cybersecurity measures could help curb this threat.