Ques . What do you understand by secularism? Discuss about the importance of secular education in today’s context.
RELEVANCE – UPSC GS MAINS PAPER I ; TOPIC – communalism, regionalism & secularism.
UPSC GS MAINS PAPER II ; TOPIC – Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.
Secularism means an attitude of tolerance towards other religions and peaceful co-existence of citizens belonging to different faiths. It is a policy of neutrality and equality by the states towards all religious communities.
Must read: Secularism : Meaning , Objectives , Characteristics , Importance
Secularism is the principle of separation of state and religion or more broadly no interference of the state in the matters of religion and vice-versa. This means that every citizen is free to propagate, practice, and profess their faith, change it or not have one, according to their conscience.
Must read: Indian concept of secularism vs Western concept of secularism
Importance of secularism in education
Secularism in education means making public education free from any religious dominance. Children as future citizens must get education which should aim at their development of character and moral behavior irrespective of religious affiliation.
Must read: Constitutional Provisions relating to secularism

Secular education or Secularism in education is needed:
■ to remove narrow mindedness and makes dynamic and enlightened view;
■ to develop moral and humanistic outlook;
■ to train the youth to be good citizen;
■ to strengthen democratic values like liberty, equality, and fraternity and co-operative living;
Must read: Indian model of Secularism
■ to give wider vision towards life;
■ to develop an attitude of appreciation and understanding of others point of view;
■ to develop the spirit of love, tolerance, co-operation, equality and sympathy;
■ to synthesise materialism and spiritualism.

The Indian State is secular and works in various ways to prevent religious domination. Secularism undoubtedly helps and aspires to enable every citizen to enjoy fully blessings of life, liberty and happiness.
Secularism allows us to live in civility. It compels people to respect other religion. It grants equal rights to the people in respect of their religious faith. It is desirable for a country like India.
External link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secular_education