Role of Lokpal in ensuring transparency and accountability in Indian administration

QUES . Examine the role of Lokpal in ensuring transparency and accountability in Indian administration.


The Lokpal is an anti-corruption ombudsman organization in India. It was established in 2014 by the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013. The role of Lokpal is to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption against public servants, including the Prime Minister and Members of Parliament, among others.

One of the primary objectives of the Lokpal is to ensure transparency and accountability in the Indian administration. The Lokpal receives complaints from citizens against public servants, including ministers and bureaucrats, who are involved in corruption, malpractices, or abuse of power. The Lokpal then investigates the complaints and takes necessary actions, including initiating prosecutions and recommending corrective measures to the government.

The Lokpal plays an essential role in ensuring transparency and accountability in the Indian administration by creating a deterrent effect on public servants who may engage in corrupt practices. It acts as an independent body that can investigate and prosecute cases of corruption without any interference from the government or political parties.

The Lokpal also ensures transparency by making its investigations and actions public. It publishes its reports and findings on its website, which can be accessed by the public. This helps to increase public awareness about corruption and promotes a culture of transparency and accountability.

The Lokpal was established as a much-needed shift in the fight against corruption. The Lokpal was a tool to combat the corruption that was rife across India’s administrative structure. At the same time, there are flaws and omissions that must be addressed. Lokpal’s appointing committee is made up of representatives of political parties who try to sway Lokpal’s decisions. There are no standards for determining who is a “eminent jurist” or “a person of integrity,” which skews the Lokpal selection process.

The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act of 2013 failed to provide whistle blowers with any type of concrete immunity. In circumstances where the accused is ruled innocent, the provision relating to the commencement of an investigation against the complainant discourages individuals from filing complaints. One of the most significant flaws is the Lokpal’s exclusion of the judiciary from its purview(Section 4(e) of Lokapal and Lokayukta Act, 2013). The Lokpal is not backed by the constitution. In addition, there are no effective procedures for appealing Lokpal’s decisions. The states have complete discretion over the exact details surrounding the appointment of the Lokayukta.

In conclusion, the Lokpal plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and accountability in the Indian administration. By investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption and making its findings public, the Lokpal creates a deterrent effect on public servants and promotes a culture of transparency and accountability.

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