Role of Indian National Army (INA) in the freedom struggle of India

QUES . Evaluate the role of the Indian National Army (INA) in the freedom struggle of India. UPSC IES/ISS EXAM 2022 General Studies. 200 Words. 5 Marks


The Indian National Army (INA) was a military force that was formed during World War II with the aim of liberating India from British colonial rule. The INA, led by Subhas Chandra Bose, played a critical role in the Indian freedom struggle. It heightened national consciousness, posed a challenge to British imperialism, and motivated many Indians to fight for independence.

Contribution of Indian National Army (INA) to the Freedom Struggle

• The INA played an important role in the Indian independence movement, particularly in the latter stages of the struggle. Its leader, Subhas Chandra Bose, sought support from Germany and Japan to form an armed force to fight against the British.

• The INA had a significant impact on the British, as it exposed the cracks in their colonial rule and weakened their grip on India. The British were forced to deal with the threat of an armed rebellion and were forced to take measures to suppress it.

• The INA also played a role in changing British perceptions of Indian nationalism, as it demonstrated that Indians were willing to fight and die for their freedom.

• The stirring deeds of the INA caught the imagination of all Indians and the fire of patriotism burned brighter than ever before and found expression in the mutiny in the Indian Navy in Bombay in 1946.

• The INA also played a role in shaping India’s post-independence identity, as it represented a rejection of British colonialism and a celebration of Indian nationalism and self-determination.

• The INA’s legacy can be seen in the continued reverence and respect for Subhas Chandra Bose and the soldiers who fought for India’s independence. Their sacrifice and bravery continue to inspire generations of Indians.

However, INA’s contribution to the freedom struggle was primarily symbolic, as its military efforts were limited and ultimately unsuccessful. However, its existence inspired a sense of national pride and solidarity among Indians and helped to galvanize the independence movement.

Overall, while the INA’s military efforts were limited, its symbolic contribution to the Indian independence movement was significant. Its legacy continues to inspire and shape Indian society and culture

Must read: Naval mutiny: the last nail in the coffin of British colonial aspirations in India

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