QUES . Several foreigners made India their homeland and participated in various movements. Analyze their role in the Indian struggle for freedom. UPSC 2013 G S MAINS PAPER 1

India’s unassailable position in peaceful assimilation and integration of cultures and it’s love to respect differences led to the numerous foreigners making India their homeland. It sheltered the persecuted populations, from Parsis to Jews.
Those who made India their homeland contributed to its unique cultural heritage and development. They also actively participated in various movements when they sympathized with Indian causes.
The members of Asiatic Society of Bengal were well acquainted with Indian traditions and led the debate in favor of Eastern education in vernacular language. Though they could not succeed in their efforts, it highlights the respect and recognition to Indian tradition.
The contribution of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, an Albanian-Roman Catholic nun and missionary to India exemplifies the contributions by foreigners to India . Not only for social causes, they also contributed significantly to Indian freedom struggle.
The efforts of Annie Bessant for Home Rule along the Irish lines in India denote the reach of the moral voice of the Indian National Movement against British exploitation. She not only led the Home Rule Leauge but was also elected as first woman President of Indian National Congress.
The most significant event perhaps was A.O Hume’s contribution towards founding of Indian National Congress, which spearheaded the freedom struggle. Although there has been a debate of ‘safety value’ theory, historians have concluded that Hume’s genuine sympathies to the Indian miseries motivated him.
Also, Satyanand Stokes(worked for the welfare of labourers), Charles Freer Dinabandhu Andrews(a missionary philanthropist), Madeleine Slade(a Gandhian) too fought for the welfare of Indians. Thus, foreigners by their contributions fueled the fast spreading fire of freedom struggle propelled mainly by Indian leaders.
Must read: Rabindranath Tagore’s Contribution to the Freedom Movement
External link: https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/india75-the-seven-westerners-who-fought-for-indias-independence-11035941.html