List of highest waterfalls in India

1 . Kunchikal Falls Kunchikal Falls is a waterfall in the Shimoga district of Karnataka. The total height of the falls is 455 meters. Kunchikal Falls is…

North Sea – Location, Bordering countries and key facts

North Sea is a shallow, northeastern arm of the Atlantic Ocean, located between the British Isles and the mainland of northwestern Europe. It hosts key north European…

UPSC PRE 2024, GS SET- A, QUES 7 ANSWER, Weathering from rainfall

QUES . Consider the following statements: UPSC 2024 Statement-I: Rainfall is one of the reasons for weathering of rocks. Statement-II: Rain water contains carbon dioxide in solution….

Weathering : Definition, Types and Significance

Weathering is the process of disintegration and decomposition of rocks. It is due to the action of climate, plants, animals and other living organisms which cause the…

UPSC PRE 2024, GS SET- A, QUES 6 ANSWER, Himalayan rivers

QUES . With reference to the Himalayan rivers joining the Ganga downstream of Prayagraj from West to East which one of the following sequences is correct? UPSC…

UPSC PRE 2024, SET- A, GS QUES 5 ANSWER, Cocoa Production

QUES . Which of the following countries are well known as the two largest cocoa producers in the world? UPSC 2024 (a) Algeria and Morocco (b) Botswana…

Cocoa: Climatic conditions, Soil and Production

Cocoa is an important commercial plantation crop of the world. Cocoa plant is a small (4 to 8 m height) evergreen tree. Cocoa is a crop of…

UPSC PRE 2024, GS QUES 4, SET- A. Global distribution of temperature

QUES . Which of the following is/are correct inference/inferences from isothermal maps in the month of january? UPSC 2024 1 . The isotherms deviate to the north…

Global distribution of temperature

Horizontal Distribution of Temperature The global distribution of temperature can well be understood by studying the temperature distribution in January and July. The temperature distribution is generally…

UPSC PRE 2024, GS QUES 3, SET- A, Products of volcanic eruptions

QUES . Consider the following: UPSC 2024 1 . Pyroclastic debris 2 . Ash and dust 3 . Nitrogen compounds 4 . Sulphur compounds How many of…

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