Mission Karmyogi : enhance capacity building of Indian Civil Servants and improve governance

QUES . “The objective of Mission Karmyogi is to enhance capacity building of Indian Civil Servants and improve governance. Discuss.


Mission Karmyogi is an ambitious initiative launched by the Government of India with the objective of enhancing the capacity building of Indian civil servants and improving governance. The mission aims to bring about a comprehensive transformation of the human resource management practices in the government by providing a digital platform for continuous learning and skill development.

The mission is based on the belief that the success of any government initiative depends largely on the quality of the human resources involved in its implementation. Therefore, it seeks to equip civil servants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to effectively discharge their responsibilities.

One of the key components of Mission Karmyogi is the National Program for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB). The program aims to provide a comprehensive and integrated framework for the capacity building of civil servants at all levels of the government. The program includes a variety of training modules, courses, and workshops on topics such as leadership, ethics, communication, and technology, among others.

Another important feature of Mission Karmyogi is the establishment of a digital platform for a capacity building called iGOT Karmayogi. The platform provides a range of e-learning courses, online resources, and tools to enhance the skills and knowledge of civil servants. The platform also enables civil servants to network and collaborate with their peers across the country.

The mission recognizes the need for a flexible and adaptive approach to capacity building, given the rapidly changing nature of governance and public service delivery. Therefore, it emphasizes the need for continuous learning and development and provides a range of opportunities for civil servants to upgrade their skills and knowledge throughout their careers.

In conclusion, Mission Karmyogi is an important initiative that seeks to enhance the capacity building of Indian civil servants and improve governance. By providing a comprehensive framework for capacity building and a digital platform for continuous learning, the mission aims to equip civil servants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively discharge their responsibilities and contribute to the development of the country.

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