Economic conditions of Vedic Period

QUES . Describe the economic conditions of the Later Vedic Period. How was it different from Rig Vedic life? UPSC IES/ISS EXAM 2021. General Studies. 200 Words. 5 Marks


The Later Vedic Period (1000 BCE – 600 BCE) was marked by significant changes in the economic conditions in the Indian subcontinent. It was a time when the Vedic civilization was evolving and transitioning from the early Rig Vedic Period.

Economic conditions during the Later Vedic Period


Agriculture continued to be the mainstay of the economy during this period. However, there was a significant improvement in agricultural techniques and tools, which led to better yields. The Later Vedic people practiced plough agriculture, which involved using iron-tipped plough pulled by oxen. This technique made it easier to cultivate the land and led to the cultivation of more crops.

Trade and Commerce

The Later Vedic period saw an increase in trade and commerce. There was a growth in urban centers, which led to an increase in trade and commerce. The Later Vedic people traded in goods such as textiles, metals, and other commodities. The Aryans also started using coins for transactions during this period.

Social and Economic Changes

There were significant changes in the social and economic structures during the Later Vedic Period. The society was divided into four varnas, and the varna system became the dominant social structure. The Brahmins were at the top of the hierarchy, followed by the Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. This led to a significant change in the economic conditions, as each varna had a specific role to play in society.

Iron Age

The Later Vedic Period is also known as the Iron Age in India. The discovery of iron and the development of iron tools and weapons led to significant changes in the economy. The use of iron tools made agriculture easier and led to the cultivation of more crops.

Thus, we can say that, the economic conditions during the Later Vedic Period were marked by significant changes in agricultural techniques, trade and commerce, social and economic structures, and the discovery of iron. These changes were different from the early Rig Vedic Period, which was marked by pastoralism, a simpler social structure, and lack of urban centers.

Must read: Vedic society and religion

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