QUES . Describe the economic conditions of Later Vedic Period. How was it different from Rig Vedic life? UPSC IES/ISS EXAM 2021 General Studies. 200 Words. 5 Marks

The Later Vedic Period (1000 BCE – 600 BCE) was marked by significant changes in the economic conditions in the Indian subcontinent. It was a time when the Vedic civilization was evolving and transitioning from the early Rig Vedic Period.
The economic life of the Later Vedic Period was different from Rig Vedic Period in the following aspects:
֍ The dominant occupational activity in early Vedic period (a pastoral society) was cattle rearing. Whereas in the later Vedic period transformation occurred from a pastoral to a sedentary agrarian society.
֍ In early Vedic period shifting agriculture was practised. They were known to only few crops and there are no other grains mentioned along with ‘Yava’ or barley. On the other hand in the later Vedic period aside from barley, people started growing wheat, rice, pulses, lentils, millet, sugarcane, and other crops. Rice was the staple diet of the people. Rice is mentioned in the Vedic texts as Vrihi, Tandula, and Sali. It appears that during this period, double cropping was also practised.
֍ There was no concept of private property in early Vedic period. Whereas in the later Vedic period although the land was still communally owned but the private property began to be recognized and the head of household (Grahpati) owned the land.
֍ In early Vedic period there is meagre evidence of trade and commerce. In the later Vedic period although barter system was still prevalent but ‘Niskha’ was used as a unit of value (not as typical currency). Shresthins (guild ) was the organization of merchants, which became prominent.
֍ Early Vedic period had Ochre Coloured Pottery. Whereas later Vedic culture is also called PGW (Painted Grey ware)-Iron Phase culture as this type of pottery was used during this phase.

֍ In early Vedic period cattle, sheep, goats, and horses were raised for milk, meat, and hides. Whereas in the later Vedic period the buffalo had been domesticated for agricultural purposes.
֍ In early Vedic period people gave the chief what was known as Bali, which was simply a voluntary contribution made by ordinary tribesmen on special occasions. On the other hand in the later Vedic period Bali, Bhaga and Shulka gradually assumed the form of regular tributes and taxes.
֍ In early Vedic period there was no officer mentioned for tax collection. Whereas in the later Vedic period there were tax collecting officers known as Bhagalugha.
֍ In early Vedic period people did not use iron technology and were familiar with copper. On the other hand in the later Vedic period socketed axes made of iron and iron-tipped ploughshares and hoes increased the efficiency of agriculture. They knew of tin, lead, silver, gold, bronze and copper.
֍ In early Vedic period cows were the most popular means of exchange and priests were compensated with cows, horses, and gold ornaments for performing sacrifices. Whereas in the later Vedic period gold coins called Niskha were used in transactions.
Thus, we can say that, the economic conditions during the Later Vedic Period were marked by significant changes in agricultural techniques, trade and commerce, social and economic structures, and the discovery of iron. These changes were different from the early Rig Vedic Period, which was marked by pastoralism, a simpler social structure, and lack of urban centers.
Also refer : Vedic society and religion https://fotisedu.com/vedic-society-and-religion/
External link : https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Vedic_Period