Quit India Movement – Causes and Nature
QUES . When and where was the Quit India Resolution passed? Analyze the causes and nature of this movement. UPSC IES/ISS EXAM 2021 General Studies. 200 Words….
Deindustrialisation and Ruin of Handicraftsmen under British Rule in India
British rule in India caused a transformation of India’s economy into a colonial economy, i.e., the structure and operation of Indian economy were determined by the interests…
What was the impact of Industrial Revolution on India during the first half of the nineteenth century?
India was a major player in the world export market for textiles in the early 18th century, but by the middle of the 19th century it had…
Individual Satyagraha – the individual civil disobedience
After the August Offer (1940) the British government had taken the adamant position that no constitutional advance could be made till the Congress came to an agreement…
Why Gandhi Designated Nehru as his Successor?
When Gandhi designated Nehru as his chosen successor? The Congress leaders, released in December 1941, in the midst of Japan’s aggressive actions, were anxious to defend Indian…
August Offer – Proposals, Responses and Evaluation
Hitler’s astounding success and the fall of Belgium, Holland, and France put England in a conciliatory mood. As the war in Europe had undertaken a new turn,…
Birsa Munda Revolt – Ulgulan – Great Tumult
In the 1890s, Birsa Munda emerged at the head of a movement of the Munda tribes of SInghbhum andRanchi districts of Chotanagpur region. The Ulgulan (‘Great Tumult’),…
Evolution of Civil Services in India under British Rule
The civil service system introduced in India by the East India Company for the benefit of its commercial affairs got transformed into a well-structured machinery to look…
Indigo cultivation in India during British rule
Material evidence of indigo dye in history The earliest material evidence of indigo dye are traces found in textiles preserved in Egyptian tombs dating to the late…
INA Trials
֍ The INA trials were held at the Red Fort in New Delhi. ֍ The Indian National Congress fielded its best lawyers in defence of the INA…