QUES . Why, of all the janapadas, did Magadha alone come into prominence and become the seat of a powerful monarchy? UPSC IES/ISS EXAM 2024 General Studies….

Religion in Chalcolithic Cultures

By the second millennium B.C. several regional cultures sprang up in different parts of the Indian subcontinent. These were non-urban, non-Harappan and were characterized by the use…

Agriculture, Trade and Commerce in Chalcolithic Cultures

The Chalcolithic cultures flourished during the third millennium and second millennium B.C. Some of these cultures were contemporary with the Harappan culture and other were decidedly later…

Chalcolithic Culture : Regions and Features

The end of the Neolithic period saw very different kind of developments in different areas. While in the Indus and Saraswati valleys there emerged, though slowly, a…

The Vedic literature – Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads

Veda means “knowledge”. The Vedas are neither any individual religious work nor a collection of definite number of books compiled at a particular time. The Vedic literature…

Bhasa – the Famous Sanskrit Poet

Bhasa is one of the oldest known classical playwrights in the history of Sanskrit literature and may well be known as the father of Sanskrit drama. A…

Gandhi-Irwin Pact or the Delhi Pact : an evaluation

On January 25, 1931, Gandhi and all other members of the Congress Working Committee (CWC) arrested for Salt Law disobedience, were released unconditionally. The CWC authorised Gandhi…

Why China attacked India in 1962?

The conflict of 1962 between India and China, centred primarily on the disputed Aksai Chin region along those countries’ borders. The partition of India (1947), left a…

Indo-Pakistan war of 1971 : The Bangladesh Liberation War

The war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 was a milestone in that it saw the liberation of East Pakistan resulting in the birth of a…

How was the controversial McMahon Line responsible for the Indo-China War of 1962?

QUES . How was the controversial McMahon Line responsible for the Indo-China War of 1962? UPSC IES/ISS EXAM 2014 General Studies. 200 Words. 5 Marks McMahon Line,…

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