August 7- the National Handloom Day

The Union Government had declared 7th of August as the National Handloom Day in July 2015 with the objective of generating awareness about the importance of the handloom industry to the socio economic development of the country.

Why August 7 was chosen as the National Handloom Day?

August 7 was chosen as the National Handloom Day to commemorate the Swadeshi Movement which was launched on this day in 1905 in Calcutta Town Hall to protest against the partition of Bengal by the British Government. The movement had aimed at reviving domestic products and production processes.

Why National Handloom Day is observed?

On this day, we honour our handloom-weaving community and highlight the contribution of this sector in the socio-economic development of our country. We reaffirm our resolve to protect our handloom heritage and to empower the handloom weavers and workers financially and instilling pride in their exquisite craftsmanship.

Handloom sector is a symbol of the country’s glorious cultural heritage and an important source of livelihood in the country. The sector is key to women empowerment as over 70% of handloom weavers and allied workers are women.

Rooted in nature, it has eco-friendly production processes with minimal requirement of capital and power, and provides flexibility to innovate to meet changes in fashion trends and fast-changing customer preferences.

When was the first National Handloom Day held?

The first National Handloom Day was held on 7th August 2015.

What activities are undertaken on National Handloom Day?

On this day, the handloom weaving community is honoured and the contribution of this sector in the socio-economic development of this country is highlighted. The resolve to protect our handloom heritage and to empower the handloom weavers and workers with greater opportunities is reaffirmed.

The Government endeavours to ensure sustainable development of the handloom sector thereby empowering our handloom weavers and workers financially and instilling pride in their exquisite craftsmanship.

Must read: Constructive Program of Mahatma Gandhi

External link:,domestic%20products%20and%20production%20processes.


QUES . Consider the following statements: UPSC PRELIMS 2023

Statement-I : 7th August is declared as the National Handloom Day.

Statement-II : It was in 1905 that the Swadeshi Movement was launched on the same day.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and StatementII is the correct explanation for Statement-I.

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and StatementII is not the correct explanation for

(c) Statement-I is correct but StatementII is incorrect.

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct.

Ans (a)

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