QUES . What are the methods used by the farmers organizations to influence the policy- makers in India and how effective are these methods? UPSC 2019 GS MAINS PAPER 2. 150 words. 10 Marks
Farmers’ organisations refer to group of farmers who are organised to protect their own interests related to issues like minimum support price, subsidies, welfare schemes for farmers etc. For example: All India Kisan Mahasabha (AIKM), Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU), Bharatiya Kisan Sangh (BKS), Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM),All India Kisan Sabha (Akhil Bharatiya Kisan Sabha) (AIKS), etc.

How farmers’ organizations influence the policy- makers?
Farmers’ organisations, being a pressure group, follow different types of methods to influence policy makers:
Dialogue with policymakers: Farmers’ organizations engage in constructive dialogue with policymakers, participating in consultations, meetings, and committees to ensure their perspectives are considered in the policy formulation process.
Supporting political parties: Farmers’ organizations support political parties during election times and sometimes even during non-election times. This helps them control the parties and influence their decisions.
Lobbying: Powerful farmers’ groups like sugarcane farmers of Maharashtra and UP try to influence policymaking in their favour like getting favorable MSP and payment of arrears.
Protests and rallies: One prevalent approach involves leveraging the collective strength of its members through protests, demonstrations, and rallies. Mass mobilization serves as a powerful tool, drawing attention to pressing agricultural issues and compelling policymakers to address the concerns of the farming community.

Satyagrahas and fast unto death protests: Farmers normally resort to these protests when their moderate protests didn’t satisfy their demands.
Media: Farmers’ organizations use media and social media to raise their issues and opinions, trying to influence public opinions.
Activism: This method includes publicizing important issues, petitioning courts, preparing draft legislation, and gaining public attention in matters related to farmers like issues about GM crops.
Other methods: Sometimes they resort to other types of protests like throwing their crops or spilling milk on the road in case of low prices, blocking highways and railways etc..
Effectiveness of the methods used by farmers’ organisations
Positive outcomes
These methods unite the farmers together and it acts as pressure lobby on government. It has been successful in winning concessions like farm loan waiver, increase in MSP, etc.
Similarly pressure has been exerted by organized agrarian lobbies to improve the socio-economic position of farmers, leading to various land reforms measures.
The rollback of the three farm laws in 2021, after sustained protests by farmers’ organizations and widespread public support.
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It has made government and people aware about the plight of farmers. It led to establishment of Swaninathan committee for grievance redressal of farmers.
Farmers’ organizations have been successful in increasing wage rates for agriculture labourers and securing a share for poor peasants.
Failures and limitations
Most of these protests have been short –term in nature where focus has been on getting subsidies and increasing MSP from the government. They don’t focus on long term issues.
Organizations have limited territorial reach due to a fractured mandate, political party support, geography, and other factors.
Often these farmers’ organisations have inadequate professional management and lack financial assistance.
Organizations have become a tool for vote bank politics, rendering them ineffective in their persuasiveness.
As a response to the protests and rallies, the government takes populist measures such as farm loan waivers, higher MSP, etc., instead of employing a solution to the real problem, which is not beneficial for farmers in the long run.
Political voice and influence of these groups is less.
Inspite of the above limitations, farmers’ organizations certainly play a huge role in acting as true representative of farmers problems to the policy makers. Farmers’ pressure groups are considered as an important and helpful element of the democratic process.