Q1 . Consider the following minerals:
1 . Bentonite
2 . Chromite
3 . Kyanite
4 . Sillimanite
In India, which of the above is/are officially designated as major minerals?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 4 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans (d) As per Govt. of India Notification S.O. 423(E) dated 10th February 2015 Bentonite has been declared as ‘Minor Mineral’.
Q2 . With reference to Ocean Mean Temperature (OMT), which of the following statements is/are correct?
1 . OMT is measured up to a depth of 26°C isotherm which is 129 meters in the south -western Indian Ocean during January –March.
2 . OMT collected during January –March can be used in assessing whether the amount of rainfall in monsoon will be less or more than a certain long -term mean.
Select the correct using the code given below:
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans (b) During January –March, the mean 26 degree C isotherm depth in the Southwestern Indian Ocean is 59 metres.
Q3 . Consider the following pairs:
River : Flows into
1 . Mekong : Andaman Sea
2 . Thames : Irish Sea
3 . Volga : Caspian Sea
4 . Zambezi : Indian Ocean
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 only
(c) 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2 and 4 only
Ans (c) Pair 1 is not correctly matched: Originating in the Tibetan highlands, the Mekong River flows through China, Myanmar, Laos,Thailand, and Cambodia, before fanning across an expansive delta in Vietnam and emptying into the South China Sea. Pair 2 is not correctly matched: The River Thames is the longest river in England, flowing to the North Sea. Pair 3 is correctly matched: The Volga is the longest river in Europe, and its catchment area is almost entirely inside Russia. It belongs to the closed basin of the Caspian Sea, being the longest river to flow into a closed basin. Pair 4 is correctly matched: The Zambezi is the fourth-longest river in Africa, the longest east-flowing river in Africa and the largest flowing into the Indian Ocean from Africa.
Q4 . Siachen Glacier is situated to the
(a) East of Aksai Chin
(b) East of Leh
(c) North of Gilgit
(d) North of Nubra Valley
Ans (d) The Nubra Valley acts as the gateway to the strategically important Siachen Glacier and Karakoram Pass. The Karakoram Pass in the northwest side connects the valley with Xinjiang, China. The Nubra River is a river in the Nubra Valley of Ladakh in India. It is a tributary of the Shyok River (a part of the Indus River system) and originates from the Siachen Glacier, the second -longest non polar glacier in the world.
Q5 . Consider the following statements:
1 . Jet streams occur in the Northern Hemisphere only.
2 . Only some cyclones develop an eye.
3 . The temperature inside the eye of a cyclone is nearly 10°C lesser than that of the surroundings.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 only
(d) 1 and 3 only
Ans (c) Statement 1 is not correct: Jet streams occur in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Statement 2 is correct: The hurricane’s center is a relatively calm, generally clear area of sinking air and light winds that usually do not exceed 15 mph (24 km/h) and is typically 20-40 miles (32-64 km) across. An eye will usually develop when the maximum sustained wind speeds go above 74 mph (119 km/h) and is the calmest part of the storm. Statement 3 is not correct: The eye is the region of lowest surface pressure and warmest temperatures aloft – the eye temperature may be 10°C warmer or more at an altitude of 12 km than the surrounding environment, but only 0-2°C warmer at the surface in the tropical cyclone.
Q6 . With reference to pulse production in India, consider the following statements:
1 . Black gram can be cultivated as both kharif and rabi crop.
2 . Green-gram alone accounts for nearly half of pulse production.
3 . In the last three decades, while the production of kharif pulses has increased the production of rabi pulses has decreased.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans (a) Statement 1 is correct: Though pulses are grown in both Kharif and Rabi seasons, Rabi pulses contribute more than 60 percent of the total production. Black gram can be cultivated as both kharif and rabi crop. Statement 2 is not correct: Gram (Chickpeas) is the most dominant pulse having a share of around 40 per cent in the total production followed by Tur/Arhar at 15 to 20 per cent and Urad/Black Matpe and Moong at around 8-10 per cent each. Statement 3 is not correct: The production of pulses for both Rabi and Kharif seasons has increased in the last three decades. Production of Kharif pulses in 2000 -01 was 44.48 lakh tonnes which increased to 55.30 lakh tonnes by 2016 -17. The production of Rabi pulses has also increased from 66.27 lakh tonnes in 2000 -01 to 108.18 lakh tonnes in 2015 -16.
Q7 . “The crop is subtropical in nature. A hard frost is injurious to it. It requires at least 210 frost -free days and 50 to 100 centimeters of rainfall for its growth. A light well -drained soil capable of retaining moisture is ideally suited for the cultivation of the crop.” Which one of the following is that crop?
(a) Cotton
(b) Jute
(c) Sugarcane
(d) Tea
Ans (a) Deep, fertile soil with adequate humus and high water holding capacity and good internal drainage is best suited for growing cotton. Cotton can be grown in places wherever, at least 180 -200 frost free days are available. Optimum temperature for germination 20 -30 degree Celsius. Germination will be delayed if the temperature is <18 degree Celsius.