The crisis of ethical values in modern times is traced to a narrow perception of the good life.

QUES . The crisis of ethical values in modern times is traced to a narrow perception of the good life. Discuss. UPSC 2017 G S MAINS PAPER 4


It has been very frequently said that the modern civilisation is suffering from the crisis of ethical values and the reason cited that, it is due to the narrow perception of a good life.

The crisis of ethical values in modern times can be attributed to a narrow perception of the good life, which often emphasizes material wealth and individual success over communal well-being and moral principles.

The good life is often equated with material success, leading to a focus on personal gain and competition.
This perception encourages consumerism and the pursuit of wealth, often at the expense of ethical considerations.

People think that possession of huge money, good house, modern luxuries etc are the signs of a good life. This type of thinking is the real reason of majority of the problems that this world is facing.

For example, people of this type of thinking give importance to the ends and not to means, this approach is the reason for rampant corruption and society’s willingness to accept it as a part of life, corporate scams, crony capitalism etc.

This approach is building an unethical society which gives respect to an individual of high wealth without taking into account his values and the ways by which the wealth is achieved. This mindset is allowing the people to leak exam papers because only the end result counts. Lack of responsibility, sense of duty, mutual respect, unnecessary competition etc are the result of this narrow perception only.

Modern society values individual achievement, which can undermine the importance of communal responsibility and ethical behavior. The decline of shared moral frameworks has led to ethical relativism, making it difficult to agree on universal ethical values.

Rapid technological advancements have outpaced ethical discussions, leading to moral dilemmas and ethical crises.

It is true that the parameters of a good life are different for every individual but majority of the population of the modern world takes it in terms of materialistic way. Therefore, there is a pertinent need that the thinkers and governments of the modern nations should push for moral education and guidance, so that the crisis of values can be eliminated and we can have a better future. Society must reevaluate its values and foster a broader understanding of the good life that includes ethical behavior and communal responsibility.

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