Secularism : Meaning , Objectives , Characteristics , Importance

Other articles on Secularism : MTM – 23 Secularism and Education

MTM – 22 Indian concept of secularism vs Western concept of secularism

MTM – 24 Constitution and Secularism

Indian model of Secularism

What does Secularism mean?

Secularism means an attitude of tolerance towards other religions and peaceful co-existence of citizens belonging to different faiths.

It is a policy of neutrality and equality by the states towards all religious communities.

Secularism is the principle of separation of state and religion or more broadly no interference of the state in the matters of religion and vice-versa.

This means that every citizen is free to propagate, practice, and profess their faith, change it or not have one, according to their conscience.

Objectives of Secularism

■ One religious group does not dominate another.

■ Some members don’t dominate other members of the same religious community.

■ The state does not enforce any specific religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals.

A simple statement by poet Iqbal illustrates the secular view “Religion does not teach us animosity; We are Indians and India is our home!”

Characteristic Features of a Secular State

Principle of Liberty – the state permits the practice of any religion.

Principle of Equality – the state does not give preference to any religion over another.

Principle of Neutrality – the state remains neutral in religious matter.

A secular state is the one in which the state does not officially promote any one religion as the country’s official religion and every religion is treated equally.

It gives to every citizen not only the equal right to freedom of conscience but also the right to profess, practice and propagate any faith of their own choice.

The state observes an attitude of neutrally and impartiality towards all religions.

In a secular state no one is given preferential treatment and the State does not discriminate any person on the basis of their religious practices and beliefs.

All citizens are eligible to enter government service irrespective of their faith.

There should be absolutely no religious instructions in educational institutions and no taxes to support any particular religion.

Importance of Secularism

The concept of secularism evolved in India as equal treatment of all religions.

We need secular state to maintain peace and harmony between people of various religious ideologies.

It is a part of democracy, which grants equal rights.

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