Quantum computing chip and associated challenges

Why in news?

The computer and artifical intelligence technology giant IBM recently unveiled a new quantum computing chip and machine what it calls Quantum System Two, which uses three “Heron” cryogenically cooled chips. The chip unveiled recently, called Condor, has 1,121 superconducting qubits arranged in a honeycomb pattern.

For years, IBM has been following a quantum-computing road map that roughly doubled the number of qubits every year. The chip unveiled recently, called Condor, has 1,121 superconducting qubits arranged in a honeycomb pattern. It follows on from its other record-setting, bird-named machines, including a 127-qubit chip in 2021 and a 433-qubit one last year.

What is a Quantum computing chip?

A quantum computing chip serves as the processor for quantum computers. These quantum computing chips contain quantum bits, or “qubits”.

A classical computing bit can have a value of 0 or 1, but a qubit can have a value of 0, 1, or both. This gives quantum computers the ability to process equations and algorithms exponentially faster than classical computers.

What are the associated challenges with respect to Quantum computing chip?

Some challenges that quantum computing chips face are scalability and manufacturing.

While the concept of quantum computing was introduced in 1959, the industry is in its infancy. The 21st century has brought on many vital advancements for quantum computing, but a major hurdle will continue to be commercially-scalable quantum computing. Quantum computing technologies have the potential to reshape some of the biggest industries in the world, but only if the scaling process continues to advance.

Another challenge in the chip manufacturing process is supply chain issues. Efficient production and distribution of quantum computing chips will be extremely important to quantum computing’s commercial future.

Why having more qubits is important?

Having more qubits in a quantum computing chip is important because every qubit significantly increases the computing power of the quantum computing chip. As the quantum computing industry continues to race towards commercial scalability, the ability to create quantum computing chips with more and more qubits will set the tone for quantum computing’s future.

Quantum computing could allow problems in physics, chemistry, engineering and medicine to be solved in minutes that would take today’s supercomputers millions of years to complete.

Quantum computers promise to perform certain computations that are beyond the reach of classical computers. They will do so by exploiting uniquely quantum phenomena such as entanglement and superposition, which allow multiple qubits to exist in multiple collective states at once.

Also refer: Qubit – quantum mechanical analogue of classical bit https://fotisedu.com/qubit-quantum-mechanical-analogue-of-classical-bit/

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