Q 1 . Consider the following events in the history of India:

1 . Rise of Pratiharas under King Bhoja

2 . Establishment of Pallava power under Mahendravarman – I

3 . Establishment of Chola Parantaka – I

4 . Pala dynasty founded by Gopala

What is the correct chronological order of the above events, starting from the earliest time ?

(a) 2-1-4-3

(b) 3-1-4-2

(c) 2-4-1-3

(d) 3-4-1-2

(c) Mahendra Varman- I (590- 630 CE). Gopala (750 CE). King Bhoja- Pratihara( 836-885 CE) . Prantaka-1 Chola ( 907-953 CE)

Q 2 . Which of the following phrases defines the nature of the ‘Hundi’ generally referred to in the sources of the post- Harsha period?

(a) An advisory issued by the king to his subordinates

(b) A diary to be maintained for daily accounts

(c) A bill of exchange

(d) An order from the feudal lord to his subordinates

(c) Hundi is a note recording a deposit made by a person. The amount deposited can be claimed in another place by presenting the record of the deposit.

Q 3 . With reference to the history of India, the terms “kulyavapa” and “dronavapa” denote

(a) measurement of land

(b) coins of different monetary value

(c) classification of urban land

(d) religious rituals

(a) Measurement of Land – different terms used during Gupta Age- mentioned in different inscriptions- • Kulyavapa, Dronavapa, Adhavapa And Pataka from Bengal • Nivartana And Hhumi from central India • Nivartana And Padavarta from western India

Q 4 . Who among the following rulers advised his subjects through this inscription?: “Whosoever praises his religious sect or blames other sects out of excessive devotion to his own sect, with the view of glorifying his own sect, he rather injures his own sect very severely.”

(a) Ashoka

(b) Samudragupta

(c) Harshavardhana

(d) Krishna Deva Raya

(a) Ashoka’s Dhamma- Always talked about Tolerance among all sects.

Q 5 . One consistent feature found in the history of southern India was the growth of small regional kingdoms rather than large empires because of :

(a) absence of minerals like iron

(b) too many divisions in the social structure

(c) absence of vast areas of fertile land

(d) scarcity of manpower

(c) One consistent feature found in the history of southern India was the growth of small regional kingdoms rather than large empires because of absence of vast areas of fertile land.

Q 6 . ‘The king was freed from his people and they from their king’. On whose death did Badauni comment thus?

(a) Balban

(b) Ala-ud-din Khalji

(c) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

(d) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq died in 1351 CE. He was succeeded by his cousin Firoz Tughlaq.

Q 7 . Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :

List-I (Books) List-II (Authors)

A. The First Indian 1. Rabindranath Tagore
War of Independence
B. Anand Math 2. Sri Aurobindo
C. Life Divine 3. Bankim Chandra Chatterji
D. Sadhana 4. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
(a) A – 4; B – 3; C – 2; D – 1
(b) A – 3; B – 4; C – 1; D – 2
(c) A – 4; B – 3; C – 1; D – 2
(d) A – 3; B – 4; C – 2; D – 1

(a) The Life Divine is Sri Aurobindo’s major philosophical opus. It combines a synthesis of western thought and eastern spirituality with Sri Aurobindo’s own original insights, covering topics such as the nature of the Divine (the Absolute, Brahman), how the creation came about, the evolution of consciousness and the cosmos, the spiritual path, and human evolutionary-spiritual destiny.

Q 8 . Consider the following events:

1 . Indigo Revolt

2 . Santhal Rebellion

3 . Deccan Riot

4 . Mutiny of the Sepoys

The correct chronological sequence of these events is:

(a) 4, 2, 1, 3

(b) 4, 2, 3, 1

(c) 2, 4, 3, 1

(d) 2, 4, 1, 3

(d) Indigo revolt – 1860; Santhal rebellion – 1855-56; Deccan riot – 1875

Q 9 . The 1929 Session of Indian National Congress is of significance in the history of the Freedom Movement because the

(a) attainment of Self-Government was declared as the objective of the Congress

(b) attainment of Poorna Swaraj was adopted as the goal of the Congress

(c) Non-Cooperation Movement was launched

(d) decision to participate in the Round Table Conference in London was taken

(b) The 1929 Session of Indian, National Congress is of significance in the history of the Freedom Movement because the attainment of Poorna Swaraj was adopted as the goal of the Congress.

Q 10 . Which one of the following movements has contributed to a split in the Indian National Congress resulting in the emergence of ‘moderates’ and ‘extremists’?

(a) Swadeshi Movement

(b) Quit India Movement

(c) Non-Cooperation Movement

(d) Civil Disobedience Movement

(a) Surat split is an important event in the modern history of India. It took place in 1907 when the moderates parted company with the Extremists. The split in the congress was due to many reasons. The Moderates had controlled the congress from its very beginning and had their own ways of thinking and doing which were not acceptable to the younger generations who were impatient with the speed at which the moderates were moving and leading the nation. This was the time of Swadeshi Movement.

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