Q 1 . The waterfall ‘Victoria’ is associated with the river:

(a) Amazon

(b) Missouri

(c) St. Lawrence

(d) Zambezi

(d) EXPLANATION : Victoria waterfalls is associated with the river Zambezi which flows in Africa.

Q 2 . Life expectancy is the highest in the world in :

(a) Canada

(b) Germany

(c) Japan

(d) Norway

(c) EXPLANATION : The highest life expectancy in the world is found in Japan, where the average lifespan is 84 years. It is thought that the Japanese diet, intense physical exercise, and easy access to high-quality healthcare are important causes.

Q 3 . Israel has common borders with:

(a) Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt

(b) Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Jordan

(c) Cyprus, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt

(d) Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Yemen

(a) EXPLANATION : Israel has common borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt.

Q 4 . Which one of the following countries is land locked?

(a) Bolivia

(b) Peru

(c) Surinam

(d) Uruguay

(a) EXPLANATION : Bolivia is a land locked country, in South America . The surrounding countries are Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

Q 5 . Which one of the following countries does not border the Caspian Sea?

(a) Armenia

(b) Azerbaijan

(c) Kazakhstan

(d) Turkmenistan

(a) EXPLANATION : Armenia is a former Soviet republic. It is located in the mountainous Caucasus region between Asia and Europe. It is a land locked country.

Q 6 . The great Asian river Mekong does not run through:

(a) China

(b) Malaysia

(c) Cambodia

(d) Laos

(b) EXPLANATION : Mekong is a major river in south eastern Asia. Mekong is known as the Lancang in China. It runs through Yunan province, China, forms the border between Myanmar and Laos and most of the border between Laos and Thailand and flows across Cambodia and Southern Vietnam before emptying to South China.

Q 7 . Latvia does not share its borders with which one of the following countries?

(a) Russia

(b) Estonia

(c) Lithuania

(d) Poland

(d) EXPLANATION : Latvia does not share its border with Poland. Latvia has both land and sea borders. The sea border is the Battic Sea coast, which extends for 531 kilometers. Its neighbors include Lithuania on the south, Estonia on the north, Russia on the east and Belarus on the southeast.

Q 8 . Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List-I (Sea) List-II (Country)

A. Black Sea 1. Bulgaria

B. Red Sea 2. China

C. Yellow Sea 3. Eritrea

D. Caspian Sea 4. Kazakhstan


(a) A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3

(b) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4

(c) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4

(d) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3

(c) EXPLANATION : Black Sea – Bulgaria Red Sea – Eritrea Yellow Sea – China Caspian Sea – Kazakhstan

Q 9 . Which one of the following does not border Panama?

(a) Coast Rica

(b) Pacific Ocean

(c) Colombia

(d) Venezuela

(d) EXPLANATION : Panama is a country located in the central America region of North America, bordering both the carribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Colombia and costa Rica. Panama is located on the narrow and low Isthmus of Panama.

Q 10 . A person of mixed European and Indian blood in Latin America is called a :

(a) Mulatto

(b) Mestizo

(c) Meiji

(d) Mau Mau

(b) EXPLANATION : Mestizo originally meant a person of combined European and American Indian descent, regardless of where the person was born.

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