Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

When PMKSY was launched?

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) is a centrally sponsored scheme which was launched during the year 2015-16.

What are the aims of PMKSY?

The aim of PMKSY is to enhance physical access of water on farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on-farm water use efficiency, introduce sustainable water conservation practices, etc.

PMKSY not only focuses on creating sources for assured irrigation, but also creating protective irrigation by harnessing rain water at micro level through “Jal Sanchay” and “Jal Sinchan”. Micro irrigation is also incentivized through subsidy to ensure “Per drop-More crop”.

Why PMKSY was launched?

Out of about 141 m.Ha of net area sown in the country, about 65 million hectare (or 45%) is presently covered under irrigation.

Substantial dependency on rainfall makes cultivation in unirrigated areas a high risk, less productive profession. Empirical evidences suggest that assured or protective irrigation encourages farmers to invest more in farming technology and inputs leading to productivity enhancement and increased farm income.

The overreaching vision of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) is to ensure access to some means of protective irrigation to all agricultural farms in the country, to produce ‘per drop more crop’, thus bringing much desired rural prosperity.

What are the objectives of PMKSY?

The broad objectives of PMKSY include:

● Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level (preparation of district level and, if required, sub district level water use plans).

● Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation (Har Khet Ko Pani).

● Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices.

● Improve on – farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent.

● Enhance the adoption of precision – irrigation and other water saving technologies (More Crop Per Drop).

● Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices.

● Ensure the integrated development of rainfed areas using the watershed approach towards soil and water conservation, regeneration of ground water, arresting runoff, providing livelihood options and other NRM activities.

● Promote extension activities relating to water harvesting, water management and crop alignment for farmers and grass root level field functionaries.

● Explore the feasibility of reusing treated municipal waste water for peri-urban agriculture.

What are the major components of PMKSY?

PMKSY is an umbrella scheme, consisting, inter alia, of two major components being implemented by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, namely, Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP), and Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP).

In addition, PMKSY has Watershed Development (WD) component which is implemented by Department of Land Resources.

Further, during the period 2015-22, Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) component was also being implemented under PMKSY by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.

What are the sub-components of Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP)?

Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP) consists of four sub-components: Command Area Development & Water Management (CAD&WM), Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI), Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies, and Ground Water (GW) Development.

However, GW Development component was provisionally approved till March, 2022 only.

Which departments and ministries are involved in implementation of PMKSY?

1 . Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti

Component : Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)

Component : Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP)

Sub component : Command Area Development (CAD)
Sub component : Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI)
Sub component : Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies
Sub component : Ground Water Development

2 . Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development

Component : Watershed Development

3 . Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Component : Per Drop More Crop

What is the duration of PMKSY?

PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana duration is for a period of 5 years (2015-16 to 2019-20) with a financial outlay of Rs.50,000 crores.

Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP), Har Khet ko Paani (HKKP) and Watershed Development components have been approved for continuation during 2021-26 with a financial outlay of Rs. 93,068 crore, including Rs.37,454 crore central assistance to States.

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