QUES . Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on women in India. UPSC GS MAINS 2015 PAPER I

Globalisation has social, political, economic and cultural impact on the lives of women in India and the world both positively and negatively. In general, globalization has affected women through the household, market, and gender relations.
Positive Impacts of globalization on women in India
Globalization has made possible for the women to play a more prominent role in society and now they are not just restricted to their traditional role in homemaking, farming, livestock, animal husbandry, handicrafts, handlooms etc. It has affected both the quantity and the quality of work available to the majority of women in India. This has resulted in a relatively better environment for women.
Today, women have more jobs and are now more active in avenues previously reserved for men. Higher and quality education have become feasible for the women. Also employment in technological and other advanced sectors, which have a global bearing, have been opened for qualified women.
With changing attitudes towards women, especially in the urban areas, now women enjoy a more egalitarian set of gender relationships. Reduction in gender inequalities will have a positive effect on women’s empowerment in the socio-economic context.
Augmentation of women’s movements through exposure at the international level has helped bring about major changes in the economic, social and political lives of women. A positive approach to economic and cultural migration will facilitate women to be exposed to better prospects at the international level.
Attitudinal changes towards women’s role in the family due to good education, benefits of family planning and health care, child care, good job opportunities etc. will surely help in the development of more confident and healthy women.
Negative effects of globalization on women in India
Capitalization as a result of globalization has resulted in transformation of self-employed marginal farmers to wage workers, making it less possible for women to manage domestic duties alongside their productive work.
Globalization has increased the number of low-paid, part-time and exploitative jobs for women. Also increased prices due to the open economy demands more from women to cope with changes .
With increasing nuclear families due to globalization, the older women’s life has become pitiable, sometimes spending their later days in old age homes and isolation.
Male migration from rural areas to urban areas has put women under a triple burden of home making, farming and job in the rural sector. At the same time, the migration of women for economic reasons has led to increased exploitation including sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Also food habits and dressing styles are changing rapidly ignoring our traditional values and belief systems. Globalization has also led to the objectification of women’s identity / modesty, role conflict, and made women the victim of false notion of beauty.
Thus, role of women in India have been changing and they are now emerging from the past traditions into a new era of freedom and rights but not free from repercussions.