Peaceful co-existence remains the cornerstone of India’s foreign policy

QUES . Peaceful co-existence remains the cornerstone of India’s foreign policy. Comment.


Mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference, equality and mutual benefit are the fundamentals of peaceful coexistence. India’s foreign policy has long been characterized by its commitment to peaceful co-existence with other nations.

This is rooted in India’s long-standing philosophy of nonviolence and respect for diversity, as well as its own experience of colonialism and the struggle for independence. India’s leaders have consistently emphasized the importance of maintaining friendly relations with all countries, regardless of their political or ideological differences.

One of the key aspects of India’s foreign policy is its commitment to multilateralism and international cooperation. India has been a leading voice in advocating for a more inclusive and equitable global order and has worked to strengthen institutions such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. India has also been an active participant in regional organizations such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum, promoting cooperation and dialogue among neighboring countries.

India’s policy of peaceful co-existence is also reflected in its approach to conflict resolution. India has a long history of engaging in diplomacy and mediation to resolve disputes, both domestically and internationally. This has been evident in its efforts to promote peace in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and the Middle East.

India’s emphasis on peaceful co-existence has also been reflected in its nuclear policy. India has consistently maintained a no-first-use policy with respect to nuclear weapons and has advocated for global disarmament and the elimination of nuclear weapons.

In summary, India’s commitment to peaceful co-existence is a fundamental aspect of its foreign policy. This approach is rooted in India’s philosophical and cultural traditions, and is reflected in its engagement with the international community, its approach to conflict resolution, and its nuclear policy.

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