Particulate pollution in Delhi NCR

QUES . Why has extreme particulate pollution remained a festering issue in Delhi NCR region ?


The air quality in Delhi, the capital territory of India, according to a WHO survey of 1,650 world cities, and a survey of 7,000 world cities by the US-based Health Effects Institute in August 2022, is the worst of any major city in the world.

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In current years the urban environment has more focus on heavy metals connected with Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) because of their multiple directly toxic effect inhalations on human health. Extreme particulate pollution has remained a festering issue in the Delhi NCR region due to a combination of factors, including:

Vehicular Emissions: Delhi NCR region has a high number of vehicles on the roads, including cars, buses, and trucks, which are major source of pollution. Diesel vehicles, in particular, are major contributors to particulate pollution.

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Industrial Emissions: The region has a large number of industries that emit particulate matter, including power plants, brick kilns, and factories. Many of these industries are located in densely populated areas, contributing to air pollution.


Agricultural Residue Burning: The burning of agricultural residue in nearby states during the winter months is a major contributor to Delhi’s air pollution. The smoke from these fires carries particulate matter and other pollutants into the city.

Must read: Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)

Dust: Dust from construction sites, unpaved roads, and open areas is a significant source of particulate pollution in the region.

Weather Conditions: Delhi’s weather conditions, including low wind speeds and high humidity during the winter months, exacerbate the accumulation of particulate matter in the air.

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Lack of Enforcement: There is often a lack of enforcement of environmental regulations, including those related to air pollution, which allows polluting activities to continue unchecked.

Lack of Awareness: Many people in the region are not aware of the health hazards associated with particulate pollution, and therefore, do not take steps to reduce their exposure.

Must read: Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)

Addressing particulate pollution in Delhi NCR region will require a multifaceted approach that includes reducing vehicular emissions, controlling industrial emissions, reducing agricultural residue burning, controlling dust, enforcing environmental regulations, and raising awareness among the public about the health hazards associated with particulate pollution.

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