MTM – 19 Evaluation of the present education system

QUES . “Education is a system of imposed ignorance.”Examine.

RELEVANCE – UPSC GS MAINS PAPER IV ; TOPIC – Role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values.

The quote “Education is a system of imposed ignorance.” was said in the book Manufacturing Consent (Summary) by Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky is a linguist, philosopher, and political activist who wrote about language acquisition, cognitive psychology, and social justice.

This quote challenges the traditional notion of education as a system that imposes ignorance. It suggests that education, as it is structured, may limit or restrict knowledge and perspectives, rather than promoting open-mindedness and critical thinking. It conveys the idea that education should encourage questioning, exploration, and a pursuit of knowledge beyond imposed limitations.


Education today is seen as a basic human right. Education is perceived to be putting people on the path of progress and getting rid of dogmas. Universal primary education formed a part of MDGs and governments around the world have been focusing on providing education to its citizens.

However education, as it is imparted, has given rise to some concerns:

● Mass education, it is said, is designed to turn independent people into docile, passive tools of production.

● Education has been employed to serve political needs. The interpretation and reinterpretation of history textbooks in India serve as an example that education serves as an ideological tool to blind people.

● Education today is focused on creating homogenization, instead of putting emphasis on diversity of ideas, creative thinking etc which are skills required for solving the myriad challenges that we face today.

● Education today does not focus on instilling in children the ability to question. Instead what they are told are the prevalent dominant ideas. The exam focused approach to education creates an army of rote learners and not necessarily enlightened individuals.

● Great thinkers like Plato and Aristotle believed that educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. However the idea of “knowing thyself” has been lost on the world. Education today is seen as a means to achieve a good standard of life which is basically a materialistic, consumption driven life. It is not seen as an end which empowers individuals.

It is realized that education has a huge impact on society. Education in India has been the harbinger of many progressive ideals:

● Social reforms in early 19 th century were a result of Indians gradually getting educated

● Political education and awareness in India has led to strengthening of democracy.

● To reverse the patriarchal mindset of society, education is seen as a handy tool as evidenced in the tagline of schemes like “beti bachao, beti padhao”

● Education enables people to have opportunities for economic development and reducing inequalities.

We need a reform in the system of education. Focus should be on encouraging critical thinking in children so that they ask the right questions and do not put their faith in any person or ideology blindly. Only then will education serve as a tool of economic, social and political empowerment as it is meant to be.

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