What is the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ?
It is the judicial arm of the United Nations.
The International Court of Justice is commonly referred to as the World Court , ICJ or The Hague.
When was International Court of Justice (ICJ) established?
The ICJ was established in 1945 by the UN Charter following its precursor, the Permanent Court of International Justice, falling into desuetude owing to the inability to enforce its mandate, especially during the intervening war years.
When International Court of Justice (ICJ) started working?
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) started work in 1946, after half a century of international conflict in the form of two World Wars.
Where is the seat of ICJ?
The ICJ has its seat at Peace Palace ,The Hague, the Netherlands.
What is the jurisdiction of ICJ?
ICJ has the jurisdiction to settle disputes between countries and examine cases pertaining to violation of human rights according to the tenets of international law.
What about the execution of the verdicts of ICJ?
The ICJ has passed many landmark judgements, but the execution of its verdicts have often been hindered by the skewed balance of power in the United Nations.
The UN Security Council is authorised by Chapter XIV of the United Nations Charter to enforce Court rulings, but enforcement is subject to veto by permanent members of the Security Council.
How many judges are in the ICJ?
The ICJ has a total strength of 15 judges who are elected to nine-year terms of office.
How are judges of ICJ are elected?
The judges of ICJ are elected by members of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, where polling takes place simultaneously but independent of each other.
In order to be elected, a candidate must have an absolute majority in both bodies, which often leads to much lobbying, and a number of rounds of voting.
In order to ensure a sense of continuity, especially in pending cases, elections are conducted triennially for a third of the 15-member Court.
Are the judges of ICJ eligible for re-election?
Judges of ICJ are eligible to stand for re-election.
When the elections of judges for ICJ is held?
Elections are held in New York during the autumn session of the United Nations General Assembly, and the elected judges enter office on February 6 of the subsequent year.
After the Court is in session, a President and Vice-President are elected by secret ballot to hold office for three years.
If a judge dies in office, resigns, or be incapacitated to perform the duties expected of his/her, a special election is held as soon as possible to fill the vacancy for the unexpired duration of her tenure.
Must read: World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
How ICJ ensures that it is representative of the main forms of civilization and the principal legal systems of the world?
The ICJ adheres to a rigid ethno-cultural matrix to ensure that it is representative of the main forms of civilization and the principal legal systems of the world.
This internal arithmetic is maintained at every election to the ICJ.
Of the 15 judges, it is mandated that three should be from Africa, two from Latin America and the Caribbean, three from Asia, five from Western Europe and other states, and two from Eastern Europe.
How do member countries nominate judges of ICJ ?
All states party to the Statute of the Court are eligible to propose candidates.
The selection process is meant to be apolitical, and is made not by the government of the state concerned, but by the members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration designated by that state to represent its interests in the Court.
Each group can propose a maximum of four candidates, not more than two of whom may be citizens of the said country. The other two nominees may be from any country, even those that are not party to the Statute.
On what basis are judges of ICJ elected?
It is held that all nominees should have a ‘high moral character,’ and credentials commensurate with those expected from the highest judicial officials of those countries.
The Charter also makes it mandatory for judges to have recognised competence in international law.
What is the salary of a judge of ICJ?
Every judge receives an annual base salary of $191,263, with the President receiving a supplementary allowance of $25,000.
How a judge of ICJ is insulated from political influence?
In order to keep the ICJ insulated from political influence, it is enshrined in the Charter that no judge can be dismissed, unless in the unanimous opinion of all peers, he is deemed to no longer fulfil the required conditions. However, this has never happened in the 72-year history of the ICJ.
External link: https://www.icj-cij.org/home