QUES . How far is Integrated Farming System (IFS) helpful in sustaining agricultural production. UPSC 2019 GS MAINS PAPER 3. 150 words. 10 Marks
Integrated Farming System (IFS) is a mix of farm enterprises such as crop, livestock, aquaculture, poultry, sericulture and agro-forestry to achieve economic and sustained agricultural production through efficient utilization of resources.

The principle of IFS model is : Wastes generated from one component becomes an input for other system. Hence there is efficient recycling of farm and animal wastes in the integrated system.
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How Integrated Farming System (IFS) is helpful in sustaining agricultural production?
India has rich diversity of livestock, poultry, crops and horticulture. Utilization of our national resources efficiently is very much important for sustainable development. Thus, Integrated Farming System (IFS) is very promising for improving overall farm productivity, profitability, generating employment opportunities, conserving natural resources and maintaining the sustainability of agroecosystem by effective recycling the farm by-products and efficient utilization of available resources.
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֍ There is increase in yield per unit area through intensification and diversification of crops.
֍ Apart from this IFS helps in controlling insect pests and diseases and weeds through natural cropping system management and there is less use of harmful agro-chemicals for farm production.
֍ There is higher net returns to land and labour resources of the farming family.
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֍ It improves soil fertility and soil physical structure from appropriate crop rotation and using cover crops and organic compost. It thus results in reduced use of fertilisers.
֍ It also minimizes the nutrient losses.
֍ There is also regular stable income through the products like egg, milk, mushroom, vegetables, honey and silkworm cocoons from the linked activities in integrated farming. Thus, IFS provides employment all through the year.
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֍ It reduces production cost of components through input recycling from the by-products of allied enterprises.
֍ The recycling of wastes for production helps to avoid piling of wates and consequent pollution. Thus, IFS reduces the environmental impact of farming practices, and enhances biodiversity.
֍ Traditional knowledge in water harvesting, soil management etc. could be efficiently utilised under IFS.
֍ Apart from increasing agricultural production, integration of different production systems provides an opportunity to solve malnutrition problems in our country. This makes IFS more sustainable.
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In a nutshell, an integrated farming system fulfils the multiple objectives of making farmers self-sufficient by ensuring the family members a balance diet, improving the standard of living through maximizing the total net returns and provide more employment, minimizing the risk and uncertainties and keeping harmony with environment. Integrating Farming System is the unique approach for overall upliftment of rural community and conserving the natural resources and crop diversity.
External link: https://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/bitstream/123456789/39372/1/IFS_book%20chapter_Retired%20ICAR%20employees.pdf