Ineffective implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Projects: Factors responsible and suggestive measures

QUES . Implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Projects / Programmes usually suffers in terms of certain vital factors. Identify these factors, and suggest measures for their effective implementation. UPSC 2019 GS MAINS PAPER 2. 150 words. 10 Marks


Information and communications technology (ICT) presents an enormous opportunity to introduce significant and lasting positive change across the developing world. The rapid penetration of mobile access in particular has resulted in considerable improvements in the lives of the people in both rural and urban contexts.

However still many factors hinder the effective implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Projects / Programmes.

Factors which hinder the effective implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Projects

֍ Digital divide : rural and urban, rich and poor, men and women.

֍ Digital illiteracy: about 90% of Indian population is digitally illiterate.

֍ Language barrier: Most of the ICT services are available in English.

֍ Slow roll-out of Wi-Fi hotspots and the slow speed, in comparison to other developed nations.

֍ Most of the small and medium scale industries are struggling to adapt towards modern technology.

֍ Entry level smartphones have limited capabilities for smooth internet access, and the outreach of the ‘smartphonesʼ is limited.

֍ There is an absence of enough skilled manpower in digital technology.

֍ Lack of user education and there are limited facilities to train personnel. India needs over one million cybersecurity experts to check and monitor the growing menace of digital crime.

֍ Privacy concerns and threat of ransom ware.

Suggestive measures for the effective implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based Projects

֍ Literacy – Steps should be taken towards making people digitally literate. Example – National Digital Literacy Mission

֍ Training – Making rural population familiar with the use of computer and basic functions. Example – PMGDISHA

֍ Accessibility – Making internet accessible to all. Example – National Optical Fibre Network: to ensure broadband connectivity.

֍ Affordability – Reducing phone prices and internet service prices.

֍ Make ICT services available in all the regional languages.

֍ Nudge and motivate citizenry to make use of the information and communication technology (ICT) mechanisms. Example: incentives for digital transactions.

֍ Reducing the trust deficit that people have with respect to IT enabled services.

֍ Effective implementation of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023.

It is quite obvious that digitalization improves government to citizen (G2C), government-to-business (G2B) and government-to-government (G2G) connectivity with improved efficiency, accountability and transparency gaining customized satisfactory approach but it is true that it need to be backed by strong legislature ensuring privacy and safety with the aim that even the last man must be capable of harnessing its benefit.

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