Ethics in Indian tradition

In the knowledge tradition of India, ethics has its origin in its religious and philosophical thinking. From time immemorial, various religious faiths have flourished here.

Every religious and every philosophical system of India has a prominent ethical component. Ethics is the core of all these systems.

In every religious tradition, good moral conduct is considered essential for a happy and contented life. Without following the path of righteousness no one can attain supreme goal (mokṣa) of life. For this one
has to perform good deeds and avoid wrong-doing

What is the Indian term for morality and ethics?

The Indian term for morality and ethics is ‘dharma’. Dharma comes from the root ‘dhr’, which means to hold together. And thus the function of dharma is to hold the human society together for its stability and growth.

Right conduct is essential if the human society is to survive.

The dharma in Hinduism is coextensive with morality.

What is Dharma according to vedas?

Dharma in the Vedas refers to the highest truth and power and it is very much understood as the performance of Vedic sacrifices and other rituals in the Vedas and Dharmasastras.

So Dharma is understood in Vedas as duty par-excellence.

What is Varnasrama Dharma?

Varnasrama Dharma is generally understood as the duties of humans according to one’s own caste and stage of life . And thus many Hindu thinkers say if one does his duty; he will achieve either heaven or a better birth in the next life or even prosperity here and now.

Do you think in the Hindu concept of dharma purely moral sense of duty is overshadowed?

The Hindu concept of dharma has been recognized by its very close association with ritualistic and caste-oriented duties. And the purely moral sense of duty is overshadowed.

But yet the Hindu thinkers advocate and recommend the practice of moral virtues and moral norms, which make a man as man. These moral virtues are called Sadharana Dharma or universal duties.

Hence the term dharma in Hinduism has two connotations – performance of ritual sacrifices and duties according to one’s own caste and the second is the practice of moral virtues and norms.

So when we speak of dharma as morality, it includes all the duties one ought to perform and all the virtues he ought to practice to attain moksa or liberation.

For other topics on Indian ethics visit:

Ethics of the Vedic Hindus is primarily a god-oriented ethics.

Concepts of ethics as mentioned in Jaina philosophy

Ethics in Buddhism

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