QUES . Defining blue revolution, explain the problems and strategies for pisciculture development in India. UPSC 2018 GS MAINS PAPER I , 250 words, 15 Marks

Blue Revolution means the adoption of a package programme to increase the production of fish and marine products. Blue Revolution was launched in India during the seventh Five-year plan (1985-1990).
Problems of pisciculture development in India
The lack of refrigeration facilities leads to spoilage of the huge catch. Use of formalin to keep the stock fresh has lead to ban on export of fish catch.
The cost of inputs per unit of fish weight is higher than in extensive farming, especially because of the high cost of fish feed.
Water pollution due to industrial and domestic waste, and intensive agriculture practices pose a threat to fish farming.
Norms and religious values excluded women or other groups from participation in fishing activities.
The productivity is low in terms of per fisher, per boat and per farm. In Norway, a fisherman/farmer catches/produces 250 kg per day while the Indian average is four to five kg.
Lack of family encouragement considering lower prestigious occupation.
There are lack of reliable database relating to aquatic and fisheries resources in India as well as lack of suitable policies of government and inefficiency of an enforcement agency to monitor the supply of good quality seeds and feeds.
Lack of adequate financial support and proper transport and marketing facilities for the products.
Multiple use of pond water especially domestic purposes restrict the commercial fish farming. Multiple ownership of land is the cause of dispute and opinion diversification.
Lack of value addition for enhancing profit margin. The market for processed fish is limited in the domestic market and is restricted to fish pickles, cutlets etc.
Lack of timely availability of inputs nearby, lack of quality feed in local market, lack of location specific improved technology, inadequate knowledge and skill about scientific fish farm management are the other problems.
Strategies of pisciculture development in India
Ensuring water resource management practices that promote sustainable use of water resources.
Focus on the improvements in breeding technology, disease control, feeds and nutrition, and low-impact production systems to complement traditional knowledge to improve efficiency is required.
Developing market linkages for fish farmers to ensure better prices for their produce.
Formulation of public and private policies to provide financial support, enhance skill and make farmers aware and capable to practice sustainable pisciculture.
To sustain the momentum of growth, issues concerning ecological and economic sustainability of brackish aquaculture and its comparative advantage need to be studied on a multidisciplinary and regional framework. Brackish aquaculture should be encouraged only in the areas suitable for the purpose. These should be identified and delineated with the help of remote sensing and GIS techniques to minimise problems of ecological pollution and social conflicts.
Emphasis on leveraging the latest information technology for better planning and monitoring is needed.
Develop adequate legal and institutional measures to regulate the aquaculture activity in the ecologically fragile zones. These should be implemented and enforced by the local authorities.
Ensuring the quality of fish seed and feed through quality control measures.
Providing institutional support to fish farmers through credit facilities, insurance schemes, and subsidies.
For proper planning of freshwater as well as brackish water aquaculture, there is a need to strengthen the current database, which is neither adequate nor easily amendable to proper empirical policy analysis.
Fisheries and aquaculture are an important source of food production, nutritional security, employment, and income in India. There is a need to factor in the sustainability challenges and acknowledge that fishing is a primary livelihood activity for a large number of communities and individuals.