Q 1 . Consider the following statements:
1 . Recently, the government of India approved the inclusion of the Jamrani Dam Multipurpose Project under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana-Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (PMKSY-AIBP).
2 . Jamrani Dam Multipurpose Project is to be constructed across river Bhilangna.
3 . A substantial part of irrigation benefits of the project would flow to the neighbouring state of Himachal Pradesh.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None of the above
(a) Statement 2 and Statement 3 are not correct. Recently, the government of India approved the inclusion of the Jamrani Dam Multipurpose Project under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana-Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (PMKSY-AIBP). ■ Jamrani Dam Multipurpose Project envisages the construction of a dam near Jamrani village across river Gola, a tributary of river RamGanga, in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand. ■ A substantial part of irrigation benefits of the project would flow to the neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh. ■ This project is the seventh project to be included in the PMKSY-AIBP list.

Q 2 . Consider the following statements with respect to Intelligence Bureau (IB):
1 . In addition to domestic intelligence responsibilities, the IB is particularly tasked with intelligence collection in border areas.
2 . It comes under the administrative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
3 . The Director of Intelligence Bureau (DIB) has always been an IPS officer.
How many of the statements given above are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None of the above
(c) The Delhi High Court recently ruled that the Intelligence Bureau (IB) stands exempted from rigours of RTI Act by virtue of Section 24 (Act not to apply to certain organizations) thereof. ■ IB is an internal intelligence agency of India which is used to gather intelligence from within India and also execute counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism tasks. ■ In addition to domestic intelligence responsibilities, the IB is particularly tasked with intelligence collection in border areas, following the 1951 recommendations of the Himmatsinhji Committee (also known as the North and North-East Border Committee), a task entrusted to military intelligence organizations, prior to independence in 1947. ■ It comes under the administrative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs. ■ Another major activity of the IB is passing on intelligence information to other Indian intelligence agencies as well as the police. ■ The Bureau comprises employees from law enforcement agencies, mostly from the Indian Police Service (IPS) or the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), and the military. ■ The Director of Intelligence Bureau (DIB) has always been an IPS officer.
Q 3 . Consider the following:
“The Supreme Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction, may pass such decree or make such order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it, and any decree so passed or order so made shall be enforceable throughout the territory of India in such manner as may be prescribed by or under any law made by Parliament and, until provision in that behalf is so made, in such manner as the President may by order prescribe”.
The above is provided in
(a) Article 139 of Indian Constitution.
(b) Article 140 of Indian Constitution.
(c) Article 141 of Indian Constitution.
(d) Article 142 of Indian Constitution.
(d) The Supreme Court recently directed sale of ancestral property of a man to pay arrears of maintenance of Rs. 1.25 Crores to his wife under its inherent powers under Article 142. ■ Article 142 deals with the Supreme Court’s power to exercise its jurisdiction and pass an order for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it. ■ Article 142 provides the apex court with a special and extraordinary power and is meant to provide justice to litigants who have suffered traversed illegality or injustice in the course of legal proceedings. ■ Article 142 allows the Supreme Court to deliver justice in exceptional cases where existing provisions or laws are not applicable. ■ If a legislative enactment seeks to make unenforceable the decree or order of the Supreme Court made under Article 142, in relation to the cause and the parties between whom it was made, such law would be void for contravening Article 142[8]. ■ Significant cases where Article 142 was invoked: 1 . Babri Masjid Case: The article was used in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land dispute case and was instrumental in the handover of the disputed land to a trust to be formed by the union government. 2 . Bhopal Gas Tragedy: The SC invoked its plenary powers in the Union Carbide vs Union Govt case and intervened to provide compensation to victims of the deadly Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
Q 4 . What may be the possible reasons of India’s interest in the South China Sea?
1 . Commercial linkages with region
2 . Freedom of navigation
3 . A rules-based regional order
How many of the statements given above are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All Three
(d) None of the above
(c) India interest in the South China Sea : Commercial linkages with region, freedom of navigation, and a rules-based regional order
Q 5 . Which among the following may be regarded as measures to lower Public Debt in India?
1 . Raising additional revenue through higher tax.
2 . Broadening base of the personal income tax.
3 . Rationalising subsidies.
How many of the measures given above are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None of the above
(c) Suggestions to lower Public Debt in India : Prudent fiscal policies, raising additional revenue through higher tax, non-tax, broadening base of the personal income tax, rationalise subsidies etc.