Bilateral relations between India and Bhutan

Bilateral relations between India and Bhutan are unique, time-tested, trusted, and mutually beneficial.
The following are major characteristics of India Bhutan relations:

Both India and Bhutan are founding members of SAARC( South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation), BBIN(Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal), and BIMSTEC( Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and economic cooperation).

Around 60,000 Indians are employed in hydroelectric power construction and road construction in Bhutan.

A large number of Bhutanese students come to India to study higher education and India provides a number of scholarships to Bhutanese students.

There is strong bonding between countries from a cultural perspective.

India helping Bhutan in the construction of Hydro-power projects and also importing surplus electricity.

India also provides financial support to Bhutan’s five-year plan.

India is the largest trading partner of Bhutan. India provides the duty-free transit of Bhutanese goods for export.

The following are reasons for such good relations:

I . Historical factors:

The following are some important treaties between India and Bhutan:

Treaty of Punakha( 1910)

Bhutan was a protectorate state under British India since 1910 in which Britishers guide foreign affairs and defense affairs.

Friendship treaty of 1949

After the Independence of India, Protectorate state status was also extended based on the “Indo-Bhutan Treaty of Peace and friendship of 1949”

India-Bhutan trade and transit agreement of 1972

It provides the duty-free transit of Bhutanese export.

Treaty of cooperation in Hydropower and protocol of 2006

India is ready to help to develop a minimum of 10000 MW of hydroelectricity.

The revised treaty of the friendship of 2007

It revised India’s role in Bhutan’s external affairs as a close friend and equal partner.

II . Socio-cultural factors:

Buddhism has reached Bhutan from India.

III . Geopolitical factors:

Bhutan is a neighboring country of India and serves as a buffer state between India and China (Tibet).

What is needed to strengthen the bilateral relationship between India and Bhutan?

India should refrain from interfering in Bhutan’s internal affairs.

The delay in hydropower construction by Indian companies increases the interest of Bhutan’s debt, this also needs to be resolved.

Both the countries should seek to cooperate in new dimensions of relations like space, pharma, and information technology.

Bhutan and India are natural partners and the relationship between them have multidimensional. Bhutan is not only geographically close to India but also has shared history, culture, and spiritual traditions.

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